Looking for 7 At Home Date Night Ideas? Chris and I are big believers in creating space and time for our marriage. Whether it’s checking in on things during our weekly family meetings or setting aside intentional time midweek to have an at-home date night, we depend on these times to make sure we’re on the same page and cultivating a solid relationship. With four boys and a demanding work life for Chris it could be so easy to let ourselves kind of drift along, just getting by with the status quo. But we want a marriage that’s thriving. And we believe that you make time for what’s most important to you. So we make intentional time for each other.
With living away from family and having a 3 month old, I don’t feel comfortable going out for date nights, nor do I think it’s necessary to go out every week to be intentional with our marriage. So we have a date night, every week, from home. Here are 7 At Home Date Night Ideas in case you’d like to give it a try. The best thing you can do, no matter what activity you choose, is to put your phone away and give each other your full attention.
1. Fireside chats
We love sitting out by our fire pit, sipping some wine or kombucha, and just chatting about our day, our life, our kids, our dreams, and anything and everything else that we think about. I think a fire pit is a great investment in your marriage.
2. Learn Something New Together
Chris and I have recently invested in a business-building coaching program. We have dreams of owning a family business someday and are excited to work towards it, together. So we like to spend our date nights learning all we can about the dreams we have and working on making them happen.
3. Play A Game Together
When we were first married we didn’t pay for cable, streaming services weren’t really a thing and we only had a few movies to choose from. And social media wasn’t as addicting as it is today. So we would play scrabble. It was simple and so much fun. We would constantly be laughing at each other.

4. Use A Conversation Starter Set
Sometimes you just need a little help getting conversations started. We love using things like Concrete Conversations for times like this. They have a few different versions but the couples edition would obviously be perfect for date night. Pull a card out, read the prompt, and respond. Simple and so interesting to see what each other answers. Sometimes one card will start a conversation that will last all night long! Another great tool that we actually use during our weekly family meeting is this marriage journal. It has great questions to ask each other about how to love and serve each other well.
5. Prioritizing Sex
It can be so easy to look over this very important aspect of marriage. Sex connects you to each other in a beautiful, God-ordained way. God created sex to be enjoyed within the context of marriage. A marriage without sex can be a dangerous place to be. I’ll be the first to admit that this is usually the last thing on my radar in this current season of littles. I’d much rather have a great conversation and then go to bed. Or just go to bed. But my husband is wired for physical touch. I think that’s how God created most men. Maybe he knew that he if didn’t give man a sex drive then the whole fill and subdue the earth thing probably wouldn’t happen. So while I don’t always feel the need for physical touch, especially as a mama of 4 littles who are constantly touching me, I understand that physical touch is how my husband feels most loved and connected to me. So I make it a priority.
6. Gardening

We love to stroll out to the garden together in the evening, check on how everything is doing, and water what needs watering. It creates a peaceful time to enjoy a bit of God’s beautiful creation and chat about whatever’s on our minds while we’re out there.
7. Watch The Sunset / Stargaze
This is so simple but sometimes the simplest things can be the most beautiful. There are times when the week has just been a week. You know what I mean. And sometimes we just don’t want to talk… about anything. When these times come it can be so peaceful and enjoyable to simply sit and watch the sunset, together. Sometimes simple togetherness is what’s most important, not always the conversation.
I’d love to hear from you. Do you have a regular date night with your spouse? What do you like to do together?
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These were great ideas! Thanks!!
These are all excellent! For some reason I’ve never thought of a trip to the garden as a date idea. I want to try that soon!
These are great ideas! Thank you for the inspiration…
What a fun and necessary post. With half of all marriages ending in divorce, we definitely need to prioritize the marriage relationship. I’m going to check out Concrete Conversations. Thanks for the tips!
As a mom of three and another on the way, I was immediately drawn to your post. I totally agree—it’s hard to maintain closeness with your significant other with so many other demands on your time. But yet so very important. I love that you offer some great suggestions for home date ideas. We don’t need to wait until the perfect circumstances (e.g., a trusted babysitter) to connect with our partners. But it does take a commitment to making our relationship a priority.
Great article!